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The Speech of the Store


Welcome everybody. I’m sure you all are enjoying the Mario Kart tournament. It’s been quite the fun time to watch whatever gamer has the smallest life possible (awkward pause). Nah, I’m just kidding, I’m sure you guys all have lives that are wonderful in their own ways.

Our company has been the best at providing entertaining gaming content for gamers of all ages. We’re ahead of GameStop in both content and integrity. Nah I’m just kidding don’t tell GameStop I said that.

It’s hard to believe that my passion for video games has led to the creation of this store. Video games have always been a big passion of mine. My love of video games dates back to before I was even able to read at the age of 3.

You might wonder how I could play games without the ability to read the instruction that says you need to press A to jump. Well I sort of just naturally learned it by pressing all the buttons like a monkey to see what they do. I tested this out with Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64 and I got it down quickly. Eventually, I got my first Gamecube and fell in love with it. As I grew up, I would get games as gifts and get the chance to duke it out with my siblings. We mainly would play games such as Super Smash Brothers Melee, Pokemon, Mario Kart Double Dash, and others.

I ended up playing games from many different generations growing up. I had a Nintendo 64 that was a hand me down that was out when I was too young to even walk, I bought many old games digitally on the Wii, and I would play whatever old games my older brother used to play. This led me into researching video games across many generations and gaming history as a whole.

As you can imagine, because of this, I was seen as a giant nerd back in school. I didn’t have too many friends as no one wanted to hear me ramble on about the history of Mario but that didn’t matter to me. It was a passion of mine that I will always hold dear to me. I even saw myself as a weird kid and wish I had friends who were just like me with this stuff.

If there is one thing that always disappointed me, it was the lack of stores like this one. I would occasionally see them pop up, but they would never last very long due to GameStop pretty much having a giant monopoly on the oh so challenging art of selling video games (again no offense to them). There also is not very many of them overall, as they tend to be more family-ran businesses that you will only see in certain towns. I have always wanted to see a store like this that was a mainstay and became a chain and it is so great to see that happen.

This fundraising event has been a huge success so far. I have been loving all the fun everyone has been having along with how passionate everyone is of this place to want to donate money to it. I am so glad I am able to share an interest that resonates with so many people. I hope that this event will cause our store to grow even more and become the premiere place for video games across the globe.

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