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3 Tips on Keeping your Old Video Games Working

A lot of times, when you have an old video game, they will experience wear and tear over time. A lot of times, an old game disc will get scratched, c

ausing the game to crash upon playing, Other times, older game cartridges will not play upon turning on the console. Since Jordan's Gaming Gallery specializes in preserving retro video games by selling them to a new generation, I have decided to give you some tips on how to preserve them yourself and keep them working for years to come.

-Always keep your games in the box when not playing

This tip is simple, but is commonly forgotten. A lot of times, people will forget to put their games back in the box when they're done, often leaving them on the floor or a shelf. This can cause the disc to start collecting dust, or increase the risk of it getting scratched or stepped on. It can also increase the risk of the cartridge collecting dust, causing some interference on the inside of it. Make sure you keep your game disc or cartridges secure when you are not playing them.

-Keep your games in a safe place Make sure you have a special place to store all your games. A box or a shelf would do. Just keep them in a place where you won't lose them. A lot of times, people will lose their old games either over time or in moves. When moving, make sure to keep them all in one box that you can easily find when the movie is over. Keeping your old games in an easy to find place is a good way at letting them stand the test of time.

-Keep your consoles clean

Some consoles will collect dust over time, especially after not being used for years. Every time you find your old console, make sure to clean it out. Clean out all the dust in anything that is a connector so it'll make sure there's no connection interrupters. With this, all your old games will be working well for years.

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