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Due to the recent developments surrounding the COVID-19 virus, Jordan's Gaming Gallary will be closing temporarily. All staff will be going home and them along with the customers will be encouraged to stay home.

GENEVA IL (March 25, 2020) - Jordan's Gaming Gallery, the popular arcade/video game store announces it will be temporarily closing due to the recent pandemic of COVID-19 or Coronavirus. This is being done both as a means to comply with the recent stay at home policy the state has implemented and to make sure their customers and employees are as safe as they can be.

"It was a tough decision," said owner Jordan Strong. "We are still a young company and doing this could be detrimental to our future, but the safety of our community comes first."

The decision came on March 12th, 2020 when many business, schools, and events started being postponed and closed due to growing concerns about the virus. Strong knew that it was for the best for his employees and customers to be safe and stay at home in order to avoid getting the virus and infecting other people

Strong advises that you take necessary precautions during this time. Wash your hangs regularly and have hand sanitizer with you. If you're going out, make sure it is only for essentials like groceries. He also advises that well at home, still find ways to get exercised

and to keep you entertained as a way to distract yourself during these stressful times.

Since Jordan's Gaming Gallery is a store that sells video games, he highly recommends buying all the new game releases either online or digitally for maximum safety, and to get some of the new releases as they can be a good way to lower stress. Thankfully, there are a lot of new games releasing during this time like the newly released "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" and "Doom Eternal." With many games releasing during this pandemic, there are many ways to safely keep yourself occupied during times where social distancing his highly encouraged.

Customers can still access the website for updates on new releases, the store's current state, and some inspirational post to keep things lighthearted. Strong leaves his customers and employees with some important parting words of advice:

"Your safety is our concern. We are striving to make sure everyone in our community has a safe time during stressful times. Which is why your safety is more important than our store staying open. When this all blows over, you can come back, but for now, stay inside and be safe."

About Jordan's Gaming Gallery:

Jordan's Gaming Gallery is an arcade and video game store where players can gather to buy and sell any video game along with compete and play with each other. It opened recently in February of 2020 and is starting to explode in popularity. It hopes to help bring gamers closer together, and to help them learn about some new games and to make new friends along the way.

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